>Kelley Blue Book estimates that the average car is driven about 16,000 miles per year. That means your car’s air conditioning system will be used for about 16,000 hours in a given year. If you drive your car regularly and use the A/C as often as possible, the system can last for years. But if you don’t use it frequently – or if you drive infrequently and don’t have access to a car wash – the system will likely break down sooner than expected. In either case, it’s important to know how to extend the life of your car’s air conditioning system so that it lasts as long as possible. Here are some tips on how to extend the life of your air conditioning system:

Change your air filter regularly

One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your car’s air conditioning system is by changing your filter regularly. The filter inside the air conditioning unit traps dirt and other particles, keeping them from entering the system and causing damage. Over time, these particles can cause the unit to break down, reducing its effectiveness and shortening its lifespan. By regularly changing your filter, you can prevent this from happening.If you drive frequently, it’s a good idea to change your filter once every three months. If you drive less frequently, you can change it once a month.

Clean your coils regularly

Your car’s air conditioning system uses water to cool your car. The water in your car’s cooling system is referred to as “condensate.” This water is pumped through a series of hoses and coils, where it is cooled and returned to the A/C unit. Over time, this water can build up deposits and become dirty. This can reduce the effectiveness of the system and cause it to break down sooner than expected.

Depending on the frequency of your driving, you can clean your cooling system once a month or once every two months. There are many different commercial products on the market that can be used to clean your cooling system. You can also use a solution of baking soda and water.

Change your refrigerant on time

Your car’s air conditioning system uses a refrigerant to cool your car. Over time, this refrigerant can break down, reducing the effectiveness of the system and shortening its lifespan. By changing your refrigerant on time, you can extend the effectiveness of your system. Depending on the make and model of your car, you may have to change your refrigerant every few years. It’s a good idea to make this a routine part of your maintenance schedule. This can help prevent your system from breaking down, and extend its lifespan.

Don’t let water accumulate in your car’s cooling system

Aside from the water in your cooling system, you should also be careful not to let any other water accumulate in your car. If you park in a puddle or allow water to drip onto your air conditioning unit, it can cause damage to your system. This can also cause your system to break down sooner than expected.


Keeping your car clean and regularly maintaining your air conditioning system can help them last longer. You can also extend the life of your system by changing your air filter regularly and cleaning your cooling system on time. These simple steps can help you avoid the need to replace your cooling system before the end of its lifespan.