>When you think of appliances, the last thing that comes to mind is longevity. After all, who wants an appliance that breaks down after a few years? However, appliances do break down and have to be replaced from time to time. This is particularly true of air conditioning systems. The average lifespan of an air conditioner is around 10 years, although this can vary depending on a range of factors. When you own an air conditioning unit in your home, it’s important to keep an eye on how long it lasts before considering replacement. Otherwise, you could be left paying for a brand new system when yours breaks down and needs replacing. The good news is that there are many things you can do to extend the life of your air conditioner and reduce the need for repairs in the future. Here are some tips on how to keep your unit running well for longer:

Change your filter regularly

One of the most important things to check on your air conditioner is the condition of your filter. Air conditioner filters trap dust and other particles as they’re blown through your home, removing them from the air. As a result, these filters become clogged over time and need to be changed regularly. The average lifespan of an air conditioner filter is around six months, although this can vary depending on your home, climate and other factors. If you notice that your filter is becoming dirty, it’s a good idea to change it before it gets too clogged. This will help to ensure that your unit is running efficiently and effectively. This is also a good time to check for any leaks in your ductwork and make any repairs that may be required.

Change your thermostat regularly

Another important part of your air conditioner that you should check regularly is your thermostat. The thermostat controls your air conditioner by setting the temperature you want to be. Depending on the time of year, you may want your air conditioner to run for a shorter or longer period of time. You can find out what temperature you should be running your air conditioner at based on your local climate and the time of year. It’s a good idea to change your thermostat every few years to ensure that it’s working efficiently and effectively. This is particularly true if you’ve recently moved into a new home. It’s likely that the thermostat in your old home was set to a different temperature than the one in your new home.

Change your air handler regularly

Another part of your air conditioner that you should check regularly is the air handler. The air handler is basically the part of your air conditioner that is responsible for cooling the air inside your home. Air handlers are large, bulky appliances that are often installed outside your home. Depending on the type of air conditioner you have, the air handler can be located in the attic, crawlspace or even the basement. The air handler is what connects to your air conditioner and is responsible for blowing cool air throughout your home. Depending on the type of air conditioner you have and where the air handler is located, you may want to check on it more frequently. If the air handler has been exposed to the elements for a long period of time, it may need to be replaced.

Service your air conditioner regularly

Finally, it’s a good idea to service your air conditioner regularly to ensure that it’s running efficiently and effectively. This can be particularly important if you have a large family or lots of guests. Some parts of your air conditioner can become worn out over time and need to be replaced. This can be particularly true if you have an older unit that has seen years of use. If you notice that your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as effectively as it used to, it may be time for a tune-up. You can do this by turning off your air conditioner and opening the outdoor unit. You can also check the thermostat to make sure it’s set for the correct temperature.


As you can see, there are many things you can do to extend the life of your air conditioner and reduce the need for repairs in the future. These include changing your filter regularly, changing your thermostat regularly, changing your air handler regularly and servicing your air conditioner regularly. With these tips, you should be able to keep your unit running smoothly for many years to come. This will help to reduce the amount of money you have to spend on repairs in the future, which can be a significant expense for many homeowners.